Understanding Your “Why”

The Covid-19 pandemic has certainly challenged each one of us in almost every aspect of our lives.  From wondering if we will still have a job to figuring out how to teach our children in an on-line learning environment, this new world has created a large amount of stress and angst.

But it also has given us time.  Time to spend with our families.  Time to pick up different projects.  And time to reevaluate our careers.  For me personally, I found lots of extra time as my team was placed on furlough.  It was that humbling experience combined with the feeling of not having any control over the ability to provide for my family that led me to look for a different way.  There had to be another solution to meet the financial needs of my family.

As I continued to explore this feeling, I began to realize that another job with a larger paycheck wasn’t the answer.  The problem was deeper.  It wasn’t just a different job that I needed.  I was craving for a career that had purpose.  One that would combine my skill set and my passion.  But how do you start.  And that’s when it hit me.

A few years back a former boss had told me about this book called, What is Your Why, by Simon Sinek.  He said that this book should be mandatory reading for anyone leading a business.  Well, I began to read it and couldn’t put it down.  The main premise of the book is that you have to understand your why, or your purpose, in order to really do anything well.  But instead of me trying to explain it, take 18 minutes and listen to Simon Sinek himself.  Then take the time and think about your “why” and start redefining your life.  https://youtu.be/qp0HIF3SfI4

Video credit Simon Sinek on Ted Talk